lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

My french tagul

In class we analysed a photocopy of Marie Antoniette and Louis XVI and then we have to do a description of both of them using the app of Tagul 

martes, 9 de abril de 2019

Historicaly true?

This essay will analyse the difficulties of knowing the truth about historical events , after seeing a documentary of it . It will explore evidence and popular culture .

At first , so as to prove an historical events we need evidence . Evidence is the key of it . If you have enough reliable evidence and consistent sources then you can ascertain that something really happened. Therefore there are few sources as "Wikipedia" that there evidence may be manipulated .

Secondly , a very important point we must avoid if we want to know the truth of a historical event is popular culture. Popular culture can manipulate completely the truth of a hisorical event , just as when people sayd that " Stones get passed down to generations" , are we sure that this statement is true? Aren't they exaggerating?

In conclusion , we get to know that knowing the truth about historical event is not so easy as we think , regards the doubt we can have , i think the best option so as to know what really happen is by looking up for realiable sources , such as historical websites or books where there is more posibility to find out the true.

Presentacion de mi carpeta de Art

  Luego de todos los trabajos realizados en la materia de art. Decidimos hacer una presentacion en donde se vea en ella todos los dibujos re...