martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

Quarterly writting

Using the internet to study

Now I will talk about the cons and pros of using the internet to study

The pros for using internet to study is that , for example : If you want to do a presentation you may use internet, It is very simple and easy to do presentation , essays ….. . If you are tired to write in a paper you can use the tablets or computers and send it to edmodo

Now I will talk about the cons of using internet to study , Sometimes the children's  that are doing the presentation , they use to play with games of the computer or tablet , or sometimes they get distracted send it messages . About that the worst thing that can happen to your tablet or computer  is that you can lose all your job for the internet fail.

And finally my conclusion of using the internet to study , I think that using the internet is better maybe sometimes you lose your job or you don't have connection , but is very simple , easy and you make homework faster than writing in a paper 

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